Posts in Category: Uncategorized


Kallitype from 4×5 in camera negative, palladium toned
Zsámbék – kallitype print from in camera half-plate negative, platinum toned.

Waiting for winter

Padrťské rybníky, 4×5 negative, two bath lith on Fotokemika Varycon

Creeky prints

Frozen water, 4×5, lith print, toned
A wee bridge… (half plate, litn print, toned)
In the flow (half plate, lith print)

Recent prints

I have recently started (finally) printing some of the pile of negatives from the past couple of months and years…

Pod Vršatcom, 2018, Lith print from 4×5 negative


Frozen creek, 4×5 pinhole, lith print


Hrad Gýmeš, 2019, half-plate negative, silver gelatine print, toned

Poušť i oáza

Srdečně zvu na výstavu, která bude dispozici v průběhu měsíce března (2016) v Faustově domě na Karlově náměstí v Praze.
Podrobnosti na plakátku:

Athonite wanderings

Last month I’ve got another chance to spend a few days on the Holy Mountain. Here is a few photographs, some of them are already hanging in the beautiful baroque refectory of Dominican friars in Prague

Touch of stone

Metamorphoses of light


From France…

A-maze-ing architecture or architectural maze?

Mountains through a pinhole